
Trial Date Update

November 10, 2022

In June 2021, Tom Staehr and plaintiff attorneys Davis and Andersson were interviewed by Cal Brattforthe Lynden Tribune. Here is a quote from that article: “The attorneys said that after filing the amended complaint, next steps for the suit are to ask for a trial date to be set…” At meetings in 2022, both attorneys repeated their intent to ask Judge Freeman to set a trial date for “Feb. or March, 2023.” And according to court records, they did file a motion to set a trial but that motion was “stricken” (removed, canceled) on Sept. 16, 2022. As of today, there is NO trial date set in this case for 2023.

For those of you who like to do research, the Institute for Legal Reform resolves excessive lawsuits filed against American businesses. In 2009, they began a random study of class action lawsuits, here are their findings and a link if you would like to read more.

Do Class Actions Benefit Class Members? An Empirical Analysis of Class Actions

This empirical study of class action litigation—one of the few to examine class action resolutions in any rigorous way—provides strong evidence that class actions provide far less benefit to individual class members than proponents of class actions assert.

  1. In our entire data set, not one of the class actions ended in a final judgment on the merits for the plaintiffs. And none of the class actions went to trial, either before a judge or a jury.
  2. The hard evidence shows that class actions do not provide class members with anything close to the benefits claimed by their proponents, although they can (and do) enrich attorneys.


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