Why Majority of Homeowners Oppose Lawsuit
July 30, 2022
Here are two quotes from the Homestead-HOA website’s “The Goal” section, with our replies to ensure people hear both sides:
“In recent weeks, a few Homestead homeowners have expressed objections to the lawsuit…”
Our reply: We are not “a few homeowners” but the majority of Homestead homeowners who are ready to move forward, without the lawsuit. A survey, as well attendance numbers at homeowner meeting, show the majority are eager to be a united community once again.
“If you oppose the lawsuit, then you are in favor of 18 Paradise retaining complete control over your HOA and your restrictive covenants.”
Our reply: We oppose the lawsuit because it appears its sole purpose is to enrich the lawyers. They began asking for money in Jan/Feb 2020, and by April, Attorney Andersson said he had “advised our clients” to refrain from paying fees to the golf course and send the $93 fee to them instead. HOA experts have told us, without exception, that during a lawsuit, homeowners should continue paying fees until a lawsuit is settled.
We oppose the lawsuit because the lawyers keep changing their minds. For two years, the list of crimes committed by 18 Paradise and MJ Management has changed, previous charges have been dropped, MJ was dismissed, City of Lynden was added and then dismissed, and now the original Complaint from 2020 is in its fourth revision. Does this mean the original offenses in 2020 were never true?
We oppose the lawsuit because many of the people sending their dues to the lawyers are senior citizens trusting the lawyers’ promise of “treble (triple) damages” of $25,000 each.
We oppose the lawsuit because a fraudulent filing of our HOA is in the hands of a lawyer and his plaintiff. Mr. Andersson has acknowledged – and per our CCRs – 18 Paradise alone can convey the HOA to homeowners. Knowing this, Mr. Andersson filed an HOA for Homestead, listing himself as Governor/Director, without permission, authority, or discussion with homeowners. And this was months before filing the lawsuit – for what possible reason?
A homeowner added the following:
Since the only defendant in the class action lawsuit is 18 Paradise, why aren’t attorneys Anderson and Davis focusing their time and energy exclusively on them? Instead, they are wasting time over an HOA we have not even discussed or voted on, stopping the sale of Homestead, misleading people about maintenance fees and disrupting our Homestead neighborhood, all of which has absolutely nothing to do with their lawsuit and they don’t even live here! I know it isn’t out of the goodness of their hearts to right a wrong when for the last three years they have been paid an estimated $400,000 (100 people donated in 2020, 120 in 2021, and 140 in 2022 at average of $93 each). If I’m wrong, show me the bank statement.
Now they are verbally attacking a well-respected, honest business man who is a life-long resident of Lynden. Why? Because he has an open door policy and a very fair plan for Homestead community that would benefit us all. He is our best option especially when compared with another foreign investor or out-of-state buyer. We are watching Homestead deteriorate, both in its beauty and friendly attitudes, and it needs to end now.
New Potential Buyer
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