Homeowners to Plaintiffs: STOP!
June 15, 2023
|Many of us sent emails to the plaintiffs named in the anonymous letter sent a few weeks ago. It appears what we wrote was heard loud and clear as the plaintiffs have now issued a response, “Why We Fight.” What’s sad about this is that the message in our letters was for them to settle, not continue a fight that is harming us and our community. We fear they continue to be more concerned with the lawyers’ goals, than their class members’ needs.
Here are a few of the letters sent to our representatives that we have permission to post:
From: Homeowner since 2014:
What was supposed to be two month negotiation has turned into over three years! During that period, neighbors’ relations are fractured, potential home buyers have backed out of property sales, common areas, as well as the overall appearance of Homestead have deteriorated and the retention ponds are in increasingly poor shape.
Should the Golf Course close, the situation will be worse. Additionally, property values will decline, if saleable, city revenues from the course business. Tourism will be impacted and businesses will be effected by the decline. All for the promise of $25,000 ( the inflation cost of 30 pieces of silver, biblically speaking). A Class Action Lawsuit could go on for years, not counting appeals. Everyone stuck in Legal Limbo.
What a mess…and how far reaching. This litigation is harming your neighbors and businesses beyond Homestead…It’s harming Lynden!
As Plaintiffs, it is within your power to do the right thing for Lynden and your neighbors. END THIS LAWSUIT NOW.
From: Homeowner on Golf Course:
Yes, you started this lawsuit with good intentions. In Feb of 2020 I sent an email to your committee about the perils of this ligation path (real cost, substantial time) and Jesse assured me you did not intend to file a lawsuit, but that the cost and time would be minimal. He invited us to try negotiating, which was done and Josh agreed to $65 a month. Before this could be put in writing the suit was filed. That ended that.
The greed of one party (the golf course) has been greatly superseded by the greed of eleven plaintiffs and your attorneys. They convinced you to chase a payoff (minimum $25K) while running down the golf course (you asked for dues to be sent to attorneys). Your stubbornness has stood in the way of any golf course buyer. By the way, all actions and language used by your attorneys are your responsibility (calling us cockroaches comes to mind). You wanted your payoff.
Your acts have disrupted the real estate market: some people have avoided buying in Homestead because of a lawsuit. If the golf course closes it will affect the businesses at Homestead and surrounding city businesses that get revenue from golfers (about half are Canadian).
Of the 5760 households in Lynden, 614 (10.6%) are within this community. This suit hurts city revenues and businesses. But you want your payoff.
Over 120 residents have not paid any dues in three years. Hundreds more have paid only partially. All of these people can expect liens on their properties (dues owed, attorney fees, and 12% interest) running into many thousands of dollars. Your desire for a payoff impacts your neighbors financially, many of them elderly with limited incomes.
When a buyer was found nearly two years ago, you and your attorneys held out for the promised payoff which in the process has hurt so many others.
Regardless of the outcome, you can expect to be held responsible for paying attorney’s fees for failed portions of the suit you brought which were dropped (your attorneys sued on your behalf and will escape paying). So much for a payoff.
Yes, the city council is being copied as this affects the city’s revenues and safety (Flooding threat due to lack of pond maintenance).
I am sure you did not intend these results, but now is the time to bring an end to these unintended consequences. Please bring this to a close. Now.
From: Homeowner in HOA
We live in Fieldstone Loop on the 10th fairway. We have resided here since 2012.
It is time to end this lawsuit. We have watched as the quality and beauty of the golf course has gone down each year. Regardless of what wrongs were committed in the past, it is time to put those behind us and face the reality of the current state of the golf course.
Homestead Golf needs the help of homeowners, and the arguing about paying the $93 fee a month must stop. In reality, this fee is quite nominal for a golf course. There are many needed improvements and these will cost a great amount of money.
We have never supported the lawsuit and opted out originally, only to learn we now have no way of opting out. We don’t even know how our voice of opposition can be heard, but we are speaking out.
Regarding an HOA, my husband is Vice President of the Fieldstone Homeowners Association. It is not easy to find volunteer members to serve, and there are always various maintenance and other expenses. I do not visualize Homestead homeowners being eager to serve without pay and addressing the many things that will need to be done even in the common areas.
Please stop this lawsuit now.
From: Retired Law Enforcement Officer
Please, Please, Please put a stop to this conflict! This lawsuit started because everyone was mad at Mick. What more damage can you do? Haven’t you exacted enough revenge?
The Chinese investor and owner of the golf course is a billionaire with multiple interests in different countries He’s obviously a successful man who will not walk away from this with a loss. Your threats don’t intimidate him and he has an inner circle of attorneys and business associates to handle any problems.
Your attorneys will not end this as long as they are making money. They don’t call Lynden home, they don’t understand the close ties we have or used to have, and they have shown no signs of caring what happens to us unless we go along with what they want. Their motive has been to take advantage of us by taking our money and you’re helping them.
The only people you are hurting now are your neighbors and the city of Lynden through loss of revenue. Why are you continuing on this course? Even if you win the trial, the owner will appeal and then the lawyers will ask us to pay for those expenses too!
Please ask God for guidance and search your hearts. I know you don’t want to hurt us anymore so please do the right thing and end this. It’s now in your hands.
New Potential Buyer
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