
Matt Davis Letter to Website

August 11, 2022

In the last few days, the lawyers, the HOAG (Mr. Davis does not even know who they are) and the plaintiffs have launched a flurry of accusations at homeowners who have chosen not to join their cause. They must not remember their own emails to all of us, such as these two from 2020:
HOAG Update 11: “…HOAG doesn’t own the corner for negotiation, that anybody can negotiate to find a resolution.”
HOAG Update 12: “In order to have a successful negotiation it’s imperative to have all the facts.”

We’ve been doing exactly that but based on recent email, continue to be criticized for our efforts. A few days ago, a letter from attorney Matt Davis was sent to our homeowner website. This is just the first half:

Dear ourhomesteadlynden.com,
“My name is Matthew Davis, and I am one of the attorneys who has essentially volunteered hundreds of hours of my time to the cause of protecting Homestead homeowners. I would address this to you by name, but your website gives no names. So I checked your website registration, and you have paid someone to keep your name secret there too. Who are you and why are you hiding your identity. What kind of coward does that?

Your website says “Our Homestead website will listen to all sides, answer questions with links and information from credible, known sources, and encourage each of you to look beyond the status quo for real resolution.” Hallelujah! I have been trying to communicate with people on the “other” side for years, but every time I do, they scurry away like cockroaches. I want to hear what you have to say, and I would like to be heard in return.

But this really isn’t about you and I, is it? It is about all the people who will come here and lap up your statements because you have a pretty website. And you have a talent for making people fearful. But if you won’t show your face, then sooner or later people will be onto you.”

Our response:
1. Mr Davis is calling all of us, including his own class members, cowards and cockroaches. What kind of person, professional or otherwise, would do that???
2. If Mr. Davis had done his due diligence, he would see there are no names on his website, for HOAG members, the landscapers who submitted a bid, the managing lawyer for the trust fund, or the budget committee.
3. Like Mr. Davis, we have also volunteered hundreds of hours of our time researching, answering questions, sharing links and documents with our neighbors because we want each person to make an informed decision. But unlike Mr. Davis, we have not asked for – nor received – one dime because we actually live here, this is our home, and for us, it’s a matter of the heart, not the trust fund.

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